Sarah and Isaac Grassel Engagement Announcement

Sarah Richards, daughter of Michael and Lynn Richards of Elvira, IA, has become engaged to Isaac Grassel, son of Pat and Nancy Grassel of Mitchell and Spearfish.

Saturday, October 3rd 2020


Isaac and I had been talking about getting engaged for a while, but I wasn't really sure when it would happen. 

Having just accepted a new full-time job with the National Guard, Isaac was just about to leave for a couple months of training. The week before, he asked if I wanted to hike Lookout Mountain again. He told me to dress nice, and we would finally take some nice photos together (we pretty much only had goofy selfies together). Of course, I said yes! I had been wanting to make the hike an annual thing and needed new photos together for a while. 

When we got to the top, to our spot where we first started dating, he had made a circle with white Christmas lights. My roommate was up there waiting with a camera to capture the moment, and my eyes began to water. We popped around the corner, and he took my by the hands. On that chilly night in March of last year (2019), he asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. It was picture perfect and felt like every romance movie I'd ever seen. We are looking forward to the journey together!

How They Met

Our story isn't too interesting, but we all have to start somewhere! 

Isaac and I were just starting college at Black Hills State University. I was an out-of-state student from Iowa, and he was just returning from three years in the military. A group of us had met online before courses began, and we all began hanging out. Isaac started classes a few weeks later than the rest of us, but the night that he came back to Spearfish was the night we first met. 

That weekend we went out shooting as a group and the next day, just the two of us went out for lunch. I had no idea it was a date. Just about a week later, on September 4, he was helping me study for my astronomy class up on Lookout Mountain. Before we climbed back down, we spent hours just talking and getting to know each other, listening to music and just being with each other. That night was just the beginning of our relationship.