Kara and Keith Fenner Engagement Announcement

Kara Andera, daughter of Jim and Karen of Chamberlain, has become engaged to Keith Fenner, son of Jeff and Paula of Rapid City.

Saturday, May 21st 2016


The day we got engaged “They all tricked me!” says Kara. Keith had schemed up a plan with his brother Carl and Kara’s best friend Kristy.

Kristy asked me to join her for a day in Spearfish with lunch in the Canyon. We had always wanted to try the Latchstring restaurant. I wasn’t hungry when we arrived so Kristy suggested we go on a hike down to the waterfall. I thought she was crazy. It was the middle of February and there was plenty of snow and ice on the ground. We descended the slippery rocky path.

When we got to the bottom of the trail Keith and Boscoe our dog were waiting. Keith got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was wondering where the ring was. The ring was tied around Boscoe’s neck with a ribbon and Keith had to cut it off with his knife.

Carl took a video with his cell phone.

How They Met

We officially met each other for the first time at the Black Hills Speedway.

Keith was working security and Kara was there to watch a friend race. A friendship started.
We got to know each other through Rush Hockey.

Kara: “I have always loved Rush Hockey. I had been an annual season ticket holder for years. In the 2013-2014 season I opted out of getting tickets because my family and I were heading out on a big vacation. Keith always had an extra ticket. They were great seats too; right behind the penalty boxes in the 5th row from the glass. Keith was very nice by giving me his extra ticket on numerous occasions. I invited him to join me for my company puck drop to thank him. January 2014”

Keith: “So for the most part Kara was right!? I always seemed to have a spare ticket to the hockey game. However she wasn’t aware of my master plans to eventually date her. It worked after some time and a lot of courage from me. I finally got her attention in March of 2014.”

Our first official date was the Jake Owen concert. April 2014